Nehru Democracy Fellowship (NDF)

About NDF

The Idea

Nehru Democracy Fellowship (NDF) is India’s first political fellowship that provides an opportunity to work directly with political structures and engage with local communities to promote constitutional values (Liberty, Equality, Justice & Fraternity). NDF offers you a variety of opportunities to build work around:

Liberty: Building discussion forums/communities in Universities, Colleges & Hostels
Equality: Ensure delivery of quality education in government schools, ensuring access to health care services and other entilements to all
Justice: Build action forums of victims of recent COVID-19 pandemic, various forms of violence, hate crimes, communalism, job loss etc
Fraternity: To build “Sadbhavna Centers” and “Sadbhavna Groups”

The Need for NDF?

We believe that democracy is not about elections and choosing your government, it is a process that enables citizens to build their nation themselves. In the last 72 years of journey as a nation, India is now taking its next step towards “swaraj”. But a rich democracy needs democratic citizens, people who not only believe in its idea but also act on ground to connect the citizen at the last mile with democratic values. We also need leaders who not only understand the idea of our constitution and have deep belief in constitutional values of Liberty, Justice, Equality and Fraternity, but also work on ground to ensure benefit of these values to all citizens.

In the last few years people of this country have stood up against the government’s un-constitutional decisions and used the Constitution as a guiding document to protest. This shows the need for creating citizen leaders who will continue to live and work to promote these values and build a country for all.

Application details :

  • The Fellowship is open to applicants of all nationalities.
  • A batch of 20 fellows will be selected from the applicants for a period of 3 months. The period can be extended to 1 year based on performance/learning/experience
  • A modest stipend to support their field activities will be given to the fellows every month
  • Fellows will have the opportunity to network with political and social leaders
  • Certificate of completion will be awarded to successful fellows at the end of the 3 months period.

Application Process:

Step 1 – Applicants fill the form

Step 2 – Top 40 applicants will be called for a selection workshop

Step 3 – 20 Fellows will be finalized at the end of the selection workshop